Gerry Brown
The Customer Lifeguard
Customers are your lifeblood
Lose them and you’ll bleed to death

For An Immediate Transfusion Call: +44 7798 932 355
Gerry Brown, The Customer Lifeguard, is on a mission to save the world from bad customer service. He can help you breathe life into your customer service operations and customer experience strategy by ensuring that your strategy, people and technology are aligned to provide positive outcomes for your customers and colleagues.
Gerry has over 35 years of experience in the customer service industry and has had key roles with companies such as Bell Canada, Genesys and other UK & North American customer service organizations and technology vendors. He is a published author, speaker, workshop facilitator and consultant. He has broad experience in customer service, customer experience, contact centre, & CRM deployments, for a range of market segments in the UK, Canada, and EMEA. Find out more about Gerry
He creates winning and sustainable customer interaction models, delivers education and guidance for your front-line teams and provides unbiased, independent technology advice and deployment support.
I work with many clients and recognize that they are unique and have continually changing and challenging issues in their business. Consequently I adapt my approach to meet their specific needs and do not try to “shoe horn” packaged programs where they obviously won’t fit.
My workshops are aimed at the key people in your organization that are responsible for defining, developing and operationalizing your customer experience strategy. They are designed to provide inspiration, innovation and regeneration for your people and enable them to make a real and immediate difference in their daily lives and to enhance the company as a whole. These are typically half-day session, but can be tailored to your specific situation and the availability of your people.
His book, When a Customer Wins, Nobody Loses, is packed with stories, examples and practical advice on influence, strategy and enabling technology. It tackles many of the barriers businesses are likely to face and that can help you deliver a consistent winning experience for all.
“This book connects the dots between the Why and the How for
companies willing to leverage the power of outstanding customer service.
Reading it was a pleasure and well worth the investment.”
“Dave Carroll, Author, Speaker & Creator of “United Breaks Guitars”